Bijalker Guild; Volume One
The Biljalker Guild is a small, yet the only, elite fire guild. It takes extreme power to join the Biljalker Guild, this story tells of a lucky group of teens that were lucky enough to join it.
HARU-CHAN! IT'S.... *A CRACK THEN GURGLE ARE THE ONLY NOISES HEARD* -Haru- MOM!WHAT HAPPEND? *runs downstairs* MOM! N-N-No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this can't be happening! MOM! DAD! WAKE UP! WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPEND HERE??? *catches a glipse of a boy about his age slip out the door* HEY WAIT YOU KID LEMME TEACH U A LESSON ABOUT MESSING WITH MY FAMILY! UGH! *gets up and runs out door looks around but the kid had dissapeared*
*carefully creeps in the closed departement store and walks under camera, whispers* hmm this should be good for a week or two *creeps back out succesfully getting his food without getting caught, sits down* this has got to be the saddest way to live. Hey kid, my name is Haru Yammamoto, my parents were killed 5 years ago when i was 11 by some kid assasin, now im living on the streets stealing food from disgusting department stores trying to find the insane kid and teach him a lesson. I used to take karate and i still remember some so i could probably get him with that and just plain improve.
-Satoshi- SATOSHI KOKOWA GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW! YOUR DAD TOLD ME HE SAW YOU IN THE MARKETPLACE WITHOUT AN ESCORT!!!!!!!! EXPLAIN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW! Mom calm down, we needed some cheese and ham so i decided to go to the marketplace to get some and trust me I went to go find an escort but they were all busy "jeez no!" SASHI NONE OF THEM WERE BUSY TODAY!!! Really? when i checked they all were busy. SASHI YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNEW NONE OF THEM WERE BUSY!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR GROUNDED FOR A MONTH! ERG!!!!!!!! *Satoshi frowns* YOU KNOW I REALLY DON'T LIKE IT WHEN, MOM, YOU MAKE ME DO INSANE STUFF LIKE STAY INSIDE UNLESS I HAVE AN ESCORT! AND YOU SAY UGH! *storms to room and plops down into bed* I really should leave this insane place, you know now that I think about it, I will! im 20 years old and I can take care of myself. I should have done this a long time ago. In fact ill go to my jujitsu dojo and spend my life learning jujitsu ! Master won't care, will he? *opens window quietly and jumps down on a bush, cringing when it rustled loudly and ran with insane speed to the jujitsu dojo, knocked loudly yelling...* master!
End of Chapter One...
Akane! Will you ever go home!? The party is already over! Go go go go!!!! Ok fine ill leave, jeez, hey can i have the rest of that bottle of wine? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok ok ok, bye Sou. IT'S SALU NOT SOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hush Sou your embarassing me.
Etsuko! Where have u been all night?!?! Huh? oh i was Sou's party. Akane Etsuko! What. I thought i told you you couldn't go to that and also isnt it Salu? No it's Sou and i wanted to go so I went jeez i can go if i want to. *walks down to room* Ill be chatting with Lee kay? NO NOT OK GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! *snore* UGH!
*crash!* Jeez can't people be quiet these days their gonna blow my cover! "Shoot! ugh oh well" I might as well follow him mabe he has some money heh heh. erg im not a theif, oh wait yea I am nevermind. *runs quietly following the loud kid*
MASTER!!!!!!! *crack!* what was that? *suddenly is aware of eyes on him* ok there has got to be some one watching me when i turn around ill backflip over him and put my knife to his throat, yea thatll surely work!
Darn it!!!!!! he probably heard that now what do I do?!?!?! erg why did that dang stick have to be there?!?!?
*turns and flips then lands behind nothing and the boy following ends up behind him keeping him in a headlock* Shoot! how did that not work!?! Heh heh looks like you thought i was an amerature! Haha people amuse me *still frowning*.
Shinihara, I know what you did to that kids parents. Ahhh Hashiro welcome home I heard that you changed your name is that so? Hai, it is, now back to what I was saying, it may have taken me 5 years to get here again but to me this memory is still fresh. How can you stand to do such things to innocent people? Ha-chan, Snaketooth got a vision that that family would be the end of our guild, we could not let that happen, they were not innocent I can assure you of that. Niha-kun they were innocent! How can you be so ignorant?!?! You call it ignorance, I call it forshadowing. You snaketooths are so out of your minds!!! OH HUSH UP HASHIRO! AND GET OUT OF MY DOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *frowns the twists staff and pulvaults out window* I'm going to find that kid and apologize to him for my brother, mabe that will ease the guilt.
WHY WHERE YOU FOLLOWING ME CRAZY KID?! Eh? Crazy? Really? YEA REALLY! Well I need money and you probably have some. LOOK I HAVE NO MONEY I'M JUST TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM MY INSANE PARENTS! GO STEAL FROM THEM! You know what, AT LEAST YOU HAVE PARENTS! MINE WERE KILLED BY SOME CREEPY KID ASSASIN! *Satoshi's eyes bulge* Kid assasin? *releases Satoshi* Yea thats what I just said. How long ago was that? 'Bout 5 years ago. Oh my gosh! I heard about that murder! You must be Haru! I thought you were killed too though. No, i just wanted people to think that so they wouldnt come looking for me, do you know the assasin? No, but i probably know where he's from, Snaketooth Assasins Guild, the most powerful Dark assasin guild in the world, most people say that their sign was in your doorway. I don't really know if it was, I never really checked I guess. Come on! Let's go find out where did you live before? 645 Kurono ln. you know the place? Kurono? As in Darkness? Yea i guess. Well anyways let's go! Hmm mabe i can help Haru. Oh by the way m'name is Satoshi, Satoshi Kokowa-san. Ok, well you already know my name so... yea...
KAIDA, KAIDIA, KAIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT MY NEW DRAGON SKILL!!!!!!!! Hush up Chiyo do you want mom to hear you?!?!?!?! *looks sad* b-b-b-but i wanna show you my new Dragon Skill that I taught myself!. well you can show me later gosh no! like I care! Kaida! Did I hear Chiyo say dragon again?! I thought I told you to tell her not to when dragons aren't real! No mom, you didn't, she said Trakon, it's place you know. Oh.
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